Friday, November 19, 2010

Get a net connection from a phone line to PS2?

Hi, I really enjoy playing on online Multiplayer on PS2 however, the only room that will reach the ethernet cable is my brother's room. Upstairs in my room, there is a phone port or line (if you understand). I want to access my net connection from there and hook it up to my PS2.

So... How do I get an ethernet connection from a phone line port to my PS2 ethernet port?Get a net connection from a phone line to PS2?
get a long dsl cable and use masking tape to stick it all around your house

Ethernet is different from phone lines (dsl)

Get an electrician round to hook it up for you

BTW, your 15, get a better console, or a life, sorry Toby

And... the phone port will be hooked up to the phone line

rewire the other end of the port - where the wire goes to - and plug the internet cable (dsl) into it

or get a 360, that has wireless and has better games than ps2, like Call of Duty 4, which is better than 3, and lots of homeies play on that so you can enjoy endless killing of your friends without having any visible connections links at all.Get a net connection from a phone line to PS2?
a PS2 does not work like a PC You need a high speed internet connection

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